Note: Remember to virus scan all software before you install, and be sure to read and agree the software License Agreement.. This app: * does not collect any information * does not contain ads * does not contain in-app purchases, but has links to other Wanderful Apps * includes active links to websites or social networks, but ONLY from the PARENTS and TEACHERS pages, not from the storybook pages Platforms: Mac, Mac OS X System requirements: Not specified Price: $9.. KEY FEATURES: * Interactive storybook in English, Spanish and French * Change language from any page in the story * 13 animated pages * Virtually every item on each page comes to life when clicked * All words are 'active' for extended word play and language learning - click on any word to hear it spoken * A hidden surprise is on each page - can you find all the confetti? * Two story modes: 'Read to Me' and the fully interactive 'Let Me Play' * Multiple settings further customize the App for your child's reading experience * Parental tips help you get the most out of this Wanderful interactive storybook * Teacher resources include a 32 page overview of Wanderful interactive storybooks Classroom Activities and the full 61 page Arthur's Birthday Classroom Activities guide (English) Wanderful's goal is to help children discover a lasting love of language through story exploration.
15 Free YouTube subscribers for your channel Arthur and Muffy are each planning their birthday parties for next Saturday afternoon.. How will their friends decide which to attend? Read and play inside each of the fully animated pages, where everything comes to life for hours of delightful story fun as Arthur creates a solution that includes everyone.. Rocket Download is not responsible for any problems that may occur from downloading or installing software that listed here.
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4 and all version history for Android What happens when Arthur and Muffy's birthday parties happen at the same time?[15:22] Playthrough: Arthur's Birthday V1 - Part 2 Nothing seen here is my property, and I own no rights to this game.. * American PBS TV-favorite Arthur stars in this interactive story originally published by Living Books * A fun tale for children about resolving conflicts and choosing between friends 'I am excited to see these engaging interactive versions of my books available to kids everywhere once again.

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Please Please [12:52] Playthrough: Arthur's Birthday V1 - Part 3 Nothing seen here is my property, and I own no rights to this game.. Wanderful brings every page of this heart-warming Marc Brown story to life Download Arthur's Birthday apk 1.. We hope Arthur's Birthday provides your family, children and students with hours of delightful reading and story play.. Thanks Wanderful!' - Marc Brown, Author of the Arthur series of books Arthur's Birthday is an enchanting interactive reading experience with fully animated content featuring Arthur, star of the longest running children's animated show in history.. ||||||||||| Please direct any questions or bugs regarding software to the company that developed the program.. Arthur's Birthday is written by Marc Brown Over 65 Million Arthur books are in print and the Arthur TV show is the longest running children's animated show in history. 5ebbf469cd